Do you need to grant a deed of sale of real estate of any kind?

Our team of advisors is at your disposal if you have not been able to organise your own deed of sale, putting yourself in the hands of real estate agents or even the seller of the property.

Is it difficult for you to contact a notary in your city to be able to make an appointment in advance and tell what your problem or need is?

How do we help you in Spanish Notary?

At spanishnotary.com we take care of carrying out all the necessary procedures on your behalf, compiling all the necessary documentation and information so that the granting of your real estate deed is as quick and effective, without you having to spend time on paperwork. unnecessary or unnecessary visits with the notary.

Our team of specialised advisors will advise you on all the steps that must be taken to acquire a home with the maximum amount of reassurance protection and guarantees.

The Process Is Quite Simple And Can Be Done In 2 Days. The steps are the following :

It is necessary that you send us the data and documentation that we request in the form below

Our team of specialised advisors will contact you to prepare the documentation.

Once all the documentation are prepared, we schedule an appointment with your notary on the day  required and a place closest to your home.

Finally, the signing of the documents would be carried out at the notary

What are the Advantages

Processing an inheritance online is legally binding

The processing and management of the inheritance will be carried out within all the requirements of the law

Advice on the process

A specialised advisor will accompany you throughout the process and will process and manage your Inheritance solving all your concerns and worries.

Fast and comfortable

Our team of specialized advisors will make the process easy and simple for you at this often difficult and anxious time.